1st in Africa – Barco RGB Laser videowall @ MTN SA

Barco ODL series RGB Laser videowall @ MTN SA

Our biggest Barco control room project to date, a complete Barco rear projection 40 cube videowall, Barco videowall controllers and Barco Control Room Management Suite software package was installed at the premises of Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN) in Randburg, South Africa.

We were fortunate to obtain permission from MTN to share the entire installation process, from dismantling the previous videowall to powering up their new Barco system.

The installation process start to finish

MTN is one of South Africa’s leading telecoms service providers with branches across South Africa and Africa, and is the 1st corporate in Africa to obtain this latest technology.

This latest Barco ODL series videowall is designed to operate 24/7, 365, for 11 years without a significant reduction in brightness and incorporates Barco’s unique SenseX technology helping to maintain image uniformity across the entire display.

A special thank you to Peripheral Vision, the South African distributor of Barco control rooms, Mr T S Zwane an external Barco specialist, Mr A Mahomed of Al-Kausar HSE services, and the Control Room and AV Solutions team for all the effort and long hours which was instrumental in making this massive undertaking a phenomenal success.